The train ‘n praise potty training system provides an easy way to potty train your dog(s) by using positive reinforcement to train your dog(s) to use a pee pad, whether you’re present or not.. How to house train your dog. house training a puppy or adult dog may seem daunting, but almost any dog can be trained to wait at the door and relieve himself outside, instead of going in the house. pick an out-of-the-way spot that's easy for your dog to access. use exactly the same principles as for potty training a puppy - supervise at. If you start to vary your routine at all (i.e. repeatedly changing the length of time between trips to the pads, changing the brand of pads, or changing the pee pad location) it can and likely will confuse your puppy, setting you back significantly with your potty training..
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The best way to potty train a puppy confinement to a small area such as a bathroom or an enclosed exercise pen in combination with confinement to a crate works best. this method is the most effective and flexible.. Picking an area that is easy to clean is also a good idea. there will be accidents in the early stages of training. using a crate can be an effective way to help potty train. your puppy will learn to view the crate as its "home" and will be reluctant to soil their area. then use a bell as one way to train your dog to go outside on its.